Héctor Vargas criticizes Saíd Martínez’s refereeing: “He thinks he teaches mathematics at Central” – Diez

The Argentine coach of Marathon, Hector Vargas, held a fun press conference in which he spoke after 2-0 loss to Olympia in the final of the first round played at the National Stadium in Tegucigalpa.

The “Lion of Formosa” questioned the arbitration Saíd Martínez because he considers that he has greatly reduced the pace of the game and hopes that Hector Rodriguez, the referee appointed for the second round, does better on Sunday at Yankel Rosenthal, where the grand final will take place.

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The successor DT considers that the lack of experience of some of his players affected her in some moments of the match.

“The goal came to us starting with the second half and it is normal to happen in a game and especially to have young players like. (Cristian) Moreira 20-year-old (Luis) Vega with 18 (years) left back, they play their first final, so they make mistakes, but on Sunday at 11 in the morning we have the opportunity to play on our stadium, our climate and we will see yes Hector Rodriguez gives more dynamics to the game, that it does not stop so much. The team is whole, we will do our best to implement the locality “, he started saying.

Are you not satisfied with the work of Saíd Martínez? “I will always ask Saíd’s refereeing because of the slowdown in which he makes every decision, he thinks he teaches mathematics at Central, he explains to the player and explains, he slows down a lot and we know that our football has a tendency to waste time and, on top of that. “We add the lack of dynamics, then the arbitration needs to be more dynamic,” he asked.

RULES: Why does Marathon need to be a champion?

He added: “Saíd has a way of directing, he calls the players a lot, he likes photography and I think that canceling the goal (by Jonathan Paz) would have been criminal if he hadn’t done it, because I saw the game and was surprised by the lack of communication. The good thing they notified the VAR and canceled it. “

Saíd Martínez and his quartet of referees had no influence in their decisions on the result of the first round.

What did you like most about the first half and what did you stop doing?
I overtook them in the first half, I had clear goal actions; that of Arriaga, of Machuca Ramírez, of Volpi, we just had to specify it. I liked it because we were superior, then in the first time when Olympia reaches us, it marks us in the second half, but the lack of experience made us look for a tie when the result (1-0) was like when it would have been the last game and this is Sunday at 11:00, but we have already won the group final and we will try.

Do you feel convinced to return on Sunday?
Undoubtedly. We have the last game in our house and we will do our best to pick up the tenth.

What do you have to do to get back?
We have to score two goals. It’s clear. This group was characterized by winning games that matter as in Concacaf, the group final and this is the last game and we will continue in the same way. We have to impose ourselves because we are at home.
