Héctor Herrera plays in the Atlético de Madrid commercial | VIDEO

Mexico City /

Atletico Madrid launched the announcement of Transfer Ria money, his new sponsor with an emotional commercial with the role of the Mexican midfielder Hector Herrera, who helped fulfills the dream of a Dominican hairdresser, now pampered by the mattress template.

The video describes the story Archibardo HernandezWizarchy‘, which opened its business in Spain, and although at first it did not go as expected, his arrival Thomas Lemas Yes Hector Herrera he changed his destiny.

I left my house, my family and my country for run a dream. I came with nothing, alone I brought my magic scissors. The beginnings were very difficult. I was about to quit when a customer came in, it was Lemar, Athlete player and he said to me, “If you believe and work, you can.” Ma adus la Herrera, what he said: ‘Never stop believing‘”Wizarchy mentions.

“And I kept cutting it with my magic scissors and I came Condogbia, Luis Suarez and they said to me, “Match after match.” And my dreams were beginning to come true. get Joao Felix, Gimenez. I never liked football, but I joined Athletes because of their fighting spirit“.

