Healthy eating: tricks to include superfoods in your daily diet superfoods | health nutrition nnda | nnni | prescription

Are food which have great nutritional benefits and deserve a special place in healthy eating. These are superfoods or “superfoods” that help meet the body’s needs, especially nutrients and vitamins, and are very helpful in improving health.

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To change people’s eating habits and avoid diseases such as anemia, malnutrition, among others. In the World Health Day (April 7), we share some options that can be incorporated into the diet to strengthen the body and how to consume them following a few tricks, such as mixing them in one meal, in salads, desserts, purees or at the end of Training.

Camu camu

It is a food with many health properties: it contains a large amount of essential amino acids, it is a very rich source of vitamin C, up to 60 times higher than oranges. Its consumption helps strengthen the defense, protects the liver due to its content of phytochemicals that help prevent liver disease.

Pure cocoa

Cocoa is the largest source of antioxidants that exists. It contains magnesium and chromium, which helps stabilize blood sugar. It is a large group of minerals, especially iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium. However, it is important to understand that its properties decrease when combined with sugars, fats and dairy products.


Aguaymanto can strengthen the immune system because it contains antioxidants, vitamins A and C, phosphorus and potassium. Antioxidants help slow down cellular aging and improve the performance of cardiovascular functions.


Turmeric root has anti-inflammatory properties. Similar to ginger, it contains dietary fiber, vitamins C, E and K, sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc. Traditional Chinese medicine uses turmeric to treat depression, sadness and unhappiness, as it stimulates the nervous system, activates the immune system and awakens the mood.


It is an Andean legume with high nutritional value and contains a large amount of protein, vitamins and minerals. Its contribution of essential fats contributes to the optimal development of the central nervous system, improves immune function and protects heart health.

“We need to work on preventive health through food and for that we need to learn and raise awareness, this is a long-term task. Peru is one of the countries with the highest rates of child malnutrition and this is due to the lack of knowledge about what foods are needed for a balanced diet. The pandemic has increased these rates, but we believe that malnutrition has a solution “, says Mónica Leon Velarde, CEO of Ecoland, which recommends supplementing daily nutrition by accompanying meals with nutritional supplements made from superfoods.

The Peruvian brand, which will donate a percentage of its sales, has joined the “Count Your Steps” campaign in “Building a Healthy and Conscious World” to examine and identify the nutritional needs of different communities in deep Peru, such as Misminay in course of development.
