He got annoyed! Laura Zapata calls Gustavo Adolfo Infante “misogynist, jerk, ugly”

The actress joined the petition for the television host to be fired from the company where she works. The artist referred to him as Infamous Worm Amorf.

Mexican actress Laura Zapata strongly criticized entertainment journalist Gustavo Adolfo Infante after he said that Thalía’s sister’s lawyer, Carlos Cuenca, was not the ideal one to defend her against the asylum lawsuit, where she was allegedly ill-treated. Her grandmother, Mrs. Eva Mange.

In the program “De primera mano”, Infante, in an angry tone, issued strong accusations against the lawyer.

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The villainous performer in many soap operas used his story Twitter to criticize the way Infante referred to his lawyer.

“The vulgar and the ordinary sweat it. His level is gossip, baseness and vulgarity. When it is necessary to lift the intellect there, it feels cornered. The worm is a worm. My lawyer is a gentleman, a doctor of law and a professor at the University. Put the boys back in five minutes. I’m not even interested in seeing her. “, wrote the famous in the post.

Laura Zapata is playing another scandal. Instagram photo @laurazapataoficial

After making his displeasure public, Zapata promoted a petition on the Change platform to collect virtual signatures to fire Gustavo Adolfo Infante from the programs he hosts on Imagen Televisión.

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The temperamental actress shared on social networks the link of the request made by a person identified as Eloína Del Río and wrote a controversial message against communicator. In her words, the performer makes fun of the journalist’s physical appearance.

“Immediate dismissal of Gustavo Adolfo Infante from TV programs. Sign this petition so that Infamous Worm Amorphous, leg molasses, can be kicked out for being misogynistic, jerky, ugly and necklessthe actress wrote.

Gustavo Adolfo Infante is a renowned entertainment journalist from Mexico. Instagram photos @gainfante

It should be noted that Del Río addressed the petition to Olegario Vázquez Aldir, the director of the television station where the famous journalist works.

In her letter, the woman denounces the alleged harmful conduct on the part of Infante.

“I ask for your help to raise your voice and demand the dismissal of Gustavo Adolfo Infante from Imagen TV programs, because during his collaborations this host showed countless examples of machismo, misogyny, homophobia, racism and discrimination. And when he disagrees in his opinions, he attacks his fellow journalists with all sorts of rudeness, threatening them, his mother lies to them unimaginably: even my mother mentioned to the same audience that we were following him! Was this the promise of Imagen Tv to offer us a new TV? Does this person show enough professionalism to fill that space? Is this the television we deserve? The long message begins.

“He feels immovable, to the point that he doesn’t care at least to take care of his image in other environments – where he shows contemptuous attitudes – and it is impossible to follow his programs when he discovers such a low quality as a human being. Just search YouTube: “Gustavo Adolfo’s insults” to see his latest attacks. Who will want to sit back and enjoy some time on TV to see such a character? Gustavo Adolfo Infante, together with us, the public, the threats will not work for you. We are tired of your aggression and of seeing you exceed all the allowed limits “, says the rest of the text.

To date, the communicator has not issued any statements to this effect.
