Gwyneth Paltrow talks about the consequences of covid-19

Mexico City.

actress Gwyneth Paltrow revealed in a new post on website Goop that it has arrived coronavirus from the begining pandemic, a situation that completely changed his life.

I had Covid-19 from the beginning and it left me with some fatigue and mental confusion.“, wrote Paltrow, Although it did not reveal exactly when it gave positive results (the outbreak was declared a global pandemic on March 11, 2020).

“In January I had a few tests that showed very high levels of inflammation in my body. So I turned to one of the smartest experts I know in this space, functional medicine doctor Dr. Will Cole. analyzed all my studies told me it was a case where the path to healing was going to be longer than usual, he continued Oscar winner.

His star Iron Man he said after his Covid Recovery, you paid more attention to your health and daily habits. An example is that you have adhered to a flexible herbal ketogenic diet and have refrained from consuming sugar and alcohol.

“So I cooked a lot, which is really delicious: I made shells with crispy capers and sage, as well as asparagus with bacon vinaigrette and some artichokes stuffed with garlic herbs.

“Everything I do feels good, like a gift for my body. I have energy, I exercise in the morning and I do an infrared sauna as much as I can, everything in the service of healing. A secondary benefit is my skin, that makes me happy and makes me I want to double her care even more. Let’s make 2021 the year when I will never need makeup “, the businesswoman added.

Paltrow she was one of the first stars to warn her fans to take it virus. On February 26, 2020, he shared a disguised photo on a plane to Paris and referred to his role in the film. Contagion, 2011, which addresses the issue of a global pandemic.

“On the way to Paris. Paranoid? Prudent? Panicked?Pandemic? Propaganda? I’ve been in this movie before. Stay safe. Don’t shake hands. Wash your hands frequently, “he wrote on his social media.
