Growing vaccine tourism in the United States is causing controversy – Travel – Life

The fact that in United States of America vaccines against covid 19 are free and without major restrictions, a growing phenomenon that is already generating outrage and alerts in that country has been massive: vaccination tourism.
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States like it California, Florida, New York and Texas They have been forced, starting this year, to start limiting the free delivery of doses – as they are still insufficient to cover the entire population – to people applying for them as temporary residents or from other parts of the country.

Needless to say, the uneven advance of vaccination against this virus In the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, he led many people to organize express trips to that country to be immunized.

In fact, the media reported cases of politicians and public figures in the region who decided not to wait for the changes attributed to their countries.

One of the most famous is that of Peru’s presidential candidate, Hernando de Soto, 79, who admitted to going to the United States to get vaccinated.

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In his defense, he said he did so given that for the campaign he had to travel across the country and be in contact with many people and when immunization had already begun in his country for people his age; He added that in any case, no one from Peru missed doses.

Similar arguments were made by public figures in the region, some of whom publicized the event, lamenting at the same time that they could not get the vaccine in their own countries.

This is the case of popular Mexican presenter Juan José Origel, 73, who in late January posted a picture of himself on his Twitter account while receiving the vaccine in Miami, Florida: “Already vaccinated !! Thank you #usa How sad that my country did not offer me that security !!! ”.

It’s worth saying that “Vaccination tourism” It is given by the liberality with which it applies doses in some states, based on guidelines such as those of the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC); accordingly, “The federal government provides free vaccination to everyone living in the United States, regardless of immigration status or health insurance”. In other words, it does not require proof of residence, citizenship or insurance.

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Paradoxically, this openness, which not only attracts foreigners but also mobilizes the country’s citizens from one state to another in search of doses, reduces the chances of immigrants waiting for a vaccine.

According to a BBC Mundo report on the subject, published in early February, the Florida Department of Health reported that as of January 27, just over 52,000 vaccinated people were registered as living outside the state.

Vaccine tourism is not allowed. It’s tiring, people shouldn’t come here to get vaccinated and fly.

Faced with outrage among citizens who failed to schedule meetings to get vaccinated, authorities began taking steps, such as requesting proof of residence for anyone applying for the vaccine.

“Vaccine tourism is not allowed. It’s disgusting, people shouldn’t come here to get vaccinated and fly, “said Florida Emergency Director Jared Moskowitz in a statement.

The situation varies from state to state, and for this reason, even travel agencies are advertising packages in Louisiana and Arizona that do not require proof of residency or citizenship and offer the opportunity to be vaccinated at health centers and some health care chains. pharmacies and even supermarkets. It is clear, however, that pressure from citizens can motivate the imposition of restrictions at any time.

A trend born

This phenomenon is not unique to America. The flow of people from all over the world looking for vaccines is generally to developed countries, which have a high availability of doses and are even able to sell them to people.

While World Health Organization (WHO) supports free access to vaccines, regardless of people’s status or immigration status, not everyone likes initiatives such as those of a Gembai travel agency (Gem Tours) that have offered tour packages from India to the United States and the United Kingdom to be vaccinated.

However, the movement is growing and nations like it Russia, Cuba, India, Dubai and Costa Rica They have already seen the opportunity to offer tours that include the vaccine. Some of them, it is worth mentioning, are in the stage of consolidating this offer.


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