Governments access Covid data for other uses, risking adverse reactions

TraceTogether phone tracking app.

Photographer: Lauryn Ishak / Bloomberg

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In early 2020, as the coronavirus began to bounce around the world with terrifying consequences, Harish Pillay decided to do everything he could to help stop the spread.

The software engineer, who lives in Singapore, found out that the government is designing an application to track the virus, so he sent an e-mail to the responsible minister and asked him how he could help. He was part of a scholarship for developers and engineers who volunteered their services, ready to present a solution.

“The issue was resolved by creating this tool, but there were issues of trust and confidentiality that also needed to be addressed,” said Pillay, who has worked at Red Hat open source software for much of his career. fervor in transparent technologies. . “It simply came to our notice then. Let the community help you do the right thing. ”

In the beginning, Singapore was supported as a model for other nations. While the government encouraged people to unload The TraceTogether application on their smartphones, published the source code and promised strict limits on the use of data. Developers around the world participated in its development and debugging in real time.

Now, the early optimism is fading. Public support took a hit after authorities revealed in January that police had used the application’s data in a murder investigation – just months after the responsible minister swore it would only be used to isolate Covid. The government issued a rare apology. But rather than backtracking, intends to formalize the police’s ability to access such data in specific cases, introducing the proposed legislation in parliament on Monday.

Pillay had set aside his politics as a member of the opposition Progress Singapore Party will be part of the TraceTogether campaign, but has become concerned.

“I felt disappointed, “he told Bloomberg News. “The confidence factor that was there was reduced.”

Now Singapore could become a very different type of model. After US countries as far as Australia and Israel collected piles of data during the pandemic, largely with public support, they could begin to see uses for this information beyond the original intention.

“Singapore is telling other governments, winking, that we have done it and that you can do it,” said Phil Robertson, Asia’s deputy director for Human Rights Watch. “Many countries see Singapore as a success story, so I think whatever Singaporeans do has to be good, and that’s a problem.”

Singapore tried to explain the changes. The legislation would allow access to contact tracking data in seven categories of serious crime, including murder, rape and drug trafficking. In response to questions, a government spokesman referred to Minister Vivian Balakrishnan’s comments in January.

“The police must be given the necessary tools to bring criminals to justice and to protect the safety and security of all Singaporeans,” he said at the time. “Especially in very serious cases and where lives are at stake, it is unreasonable to say that certain classes of data should not be available to the police.”

He added that TraceTogether data is automatically cleared after 25 days and that the entire program will be withdrawn once the Covid-19 pandemic is completed.

Singapore proposes a law to allow the tracking of data for serious crimes

A government minister said in January that TraceTogether is used by about 78% of Singapore residents, or about 4.2 million people. A smartphone app and token use Bluetooth technology to measure the distance between users, allowing the government to notify them if they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus.

Initial acceptance by the general public was slow, with downloads of the application standing at about 20%. The slow pace was paralleled by a general precaution circulating in the region, amplified by data security breaches that governments in other countries have struggled to resolve.

In South Korea, private sector contact tracking applications have become increasingly invasive – one provided the exact location of every business or home visited by a positive case – and government workers are able to review hundreds of hours. of surveillance camera recordings and go through mobile phone and credit card transactions to track people.

In China, a the digital site reported in December last year that hackers had managed to breach Beijing’s health code system and access government ID numbers and sell them online; such identification numbers are used to access a person’s Covid-19 test records.

There was a push from the public. In Thailand, The government has been forced to withdraw a threat from a spokesperson for the government’s pandemic center that anyone who tested positive without downloading the virus should be shut down.


A medical worker takes a nose pad from a migrant worker in Myanmar at a test site near Bangkok on January 10.

Photographer: Lillian Suwanrumpha / AFP / Getty Images

In Malaysia, the Ministry of Health the mandated companies destroy the personal records of the visitors at their headquarters within six months from the end of the pursuit ordered by the government.

In Israel, the Supreme Court banned the country’s intelligence agency from using the technology to track Covid-19 cases.

In Australia, federal legislation has been enacted to prevent the use of data collected in the country’s Covid application for any purpose other than tracking contacts.

Apple, Google bring Covid-19 Contact-Tracing to 3 billion people
