GOP wants Pelosi to be fined for disregarding the metal detector rule in Capitol

Hours after The Post revealed that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had each paid $ 5,000 from the payment of two GOP congressmen for ignoring her new metal detectors, a group of Republican wrists demanded that she pay the same fine for the same offense.

GOP members of the Committee on House Administration filed the tit-for-tat demand Friday night, claiming that Pelosi entered the House Chamber on Thursday without going through the metal detectors she herself ordered after the January 6 Capitol riot.

“At approximately 9:59 a.m. yesterday, several members saw the Speaker of the House enter the Living Room without completing the security check,” the members wrote to the acting sergeant of the House.

“We demand that she be fined the same as any other congressman,” said GOP members of the committee tweeted Friday night, along with a copy of the letter.

Earlier Friday, The Post reported that Reps. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) Were the first House members to be hit with the dramatic fine, taken directly from their $ 174,000 salaries.

Gohmert said he will appeal.

He said he usually complies with the metal detectors, but that on a few occasions he did not do so after going to the bathroom.

“Unlike in the movie ‘The Godfather’, there are no toilets with tanks where you could hide a gun, so my return to the House floor should have been a non-issue,” Gohmert said in a statement.
