Google faces a class action suit over the lack of 4K games at the Stadium

eternal doom

The suit mentions the performance Doom Eternal (pictured).
Print Screen: Software id

There is another process of collective action focused on games, this one against Google Stadia, whether or not Stadia can run games at 4K resolution. The lawsuit was originally filed in October, but evolved earlier this month, when attorneys for ID Software co-defendants were filed. a notice of removal with the federal court.

As mentioned by PC Gamer, the lawsuit alleges that Google, Bungie and id Software distorted Stadia’s capabilities by saying that games like Destiny 2 and Doom Eternal could reach 4K resolution at 60 frames per second. It turns out, neither game could be played in true 4K. The basis of the suit is that anyone who bought Google Stage Founder’s Edition, Google Stage Premier Edition or a monthly Google Stage Pro subscription did so with the intention of playing games at real 4K resolution, rather than playing upscaled versions of those games.

The lawsuit was originally filed in New York’s Supreme Court, but lawyers for id Software filed for relocation to the eastern district of New York, a federal court. Most civil proceedings – especially class action lawsuits – require an enormous amount of time, often years, to make their way through the courts. Beyond that, majority classes are established, either as a class or individually.

Class action lawsuits are also pending in federal lawsuits against Sony for PlayStation 5 controllers that feature “DualSense operation,” and CD Project Red, for those who lost money investing in CDPR before and after the troubled launch of a 2077. Cyberpunk.

It’s been a difficult month for Google Stage: February 1st The stadium closed all internal development studios, shifting the focus instead to provide Stage technology to video game publishers. Last week, Kotaku reported that the Stadia leadership praised those teams – comprising about 150 developers – just a week before they fired them. And then there is Terraria: Andrew Spinks, a developer of the world’s popular craft game, canceled Stadia port after being blocked from its Google accounts.

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