Goal by Chucky Lozano to the corner; Napoli vs Spezia in the Copa Italia VIDEO

San Paolo Stadium, Naples /

Hirving Lozano breaks it with Napoli! This Thursday, Chucky scored a goal with Napoli in the Italian Cup against Spezia with an extraordinary right hand that “broke the lens” of the visitors and introduced the angle for which it was the partial 2-0.

Only in January, adds Lozano 5 goals in 8 games among all the skills and are 12 in total in the 2020-2021 season with Napoli between Serie A, the Champions League, the Cup and the Super Cup.

Chucky Lozano’s goal video

Chucky’s record goal

Only on weekends Hirving Lozano scored in Serie A. which is the third fastest goal in the history of the tournament, as it was only nine seconds later before the tournament Hellas Verona, which ended up transforming the Mexican from Naples.

Hirving Lozano’s statistics

  • 18 Serie A games with 9 goals
  • 6 Europa League games with 1 goal
  • 2 matches in the Italian Cup with 2 goals
  • 1 match in the Italian Super Cup without a goal
