Gina Carano breaks the silence after her expulsion from Lucasfilm

Gina Carano, one of the most famous faces in the series “The Mandalorian”, signed for the conservative newspaper The Daily Wire after being fired from the “Star Wars” franchise for her controversial political comments.

In a statement, the actress announced that she will write and produce a film with the support of the well-known news platform and commentator Ben Shapiro, one of the most prominent voices of conservative activism in the United States.

“I am sending a direct message of hope to all those who live in fear of being annulled by the totalitarian mob. My voice is freer now, “he said.

The decision comes just a day after Lucasfilm, the producer responsible for the “Star Wars” and “The Mandalorian” series, dropped out and described some of the actress’ comments as “aberrant.”

Specifically, the controversy was triggered by a publication on social networks in which the actress compared the political situation in the United States with Nazi Germany.

“As history changes, most people do not realize that in order to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily arrest thousands of Jews, the government first challenged its own neighbors to hate them simply because they were Jews. How is it different from hating someone for their political views? “, The actress posted.

Although the message did not reflect a political alignment, that text was followed by a photograph of a man with his head covered in masks and the text: “Meanwhile in California.”

Carano has, on other occasions, opposed the use of masks, commenting that there is no racism in the United States and that supporters of former President Donald Trump are being treated unfairly.

He once mocked the pronouns with which some transgender people ask to be identified and on another occasion published eggplants reflecting anti-Semitic conspiracies, among other messages that supported Trump’s repeated allegations of electoral fraud without evidence.
