Georgia’s historic turnout in important senatorial elections

Atlanta – More than 2.3 million people have already voted in the election to elect the two federal senators for Georgia, who will determine control of the United States’ upper house., in what are the second-round elections with the highest participation in the history of the state, electoral authorities reported Tuesday.

The Georgia Secretary of State confirmed to Efe that as of Monday, 1.5 million people had voted in the early elections, which ends next Wednesday in most counties, and another 800,000 mailed their ballots or deposited them in the special mailboxes in various parts of the state.

According to official figures, the more than 2.3 million voters who have already voted in the January 5, 2021 elections represent approximately 27% of the electoral roll.

In this second round election, which attracts national attention because they could give the president-elect Joe Biden With Democrats in control of Congress, journalist Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock are trying to sack Republican senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, respectively.

According to the Georgia Votes site, which analyzes statistics released by the Georgia Secretary of State, a higher proportion of Hispanics and African Americans vote compared to the general election, which could be a good sign for Democrats.

Ethnic minority voters, especially Latinos and African Americans, were exactly key to Biden’s victory last November in Georgia, a state that has been a Republican stronghold since the early 1990s.

Polls show that both races for federal senate seats for Georgia are equal, with only one week left for the crucial vote.

The 2.3 million readers who have already exercised their right to vote are higher than the 2.1 million who voted in the entire process of the federal senate elections in Georgia in 2008, the last time a second round was needed.

And there are still a few days to vote early and by mail and on election day itself.

This week, Republicans also suffered a setback in court after a judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by Texas conservative group True The Vote, which questioned the electoral eligibility of more than 4,000 voters.

Federal magistrate Leslie Abrams Gardner, sister of Democratic activist and former Georgia governor candidate Stacey Abrams, blocked election officials from Muscogee counties, where the city of Columbus, central Georgia and Ben Hill will force large numbers of voters to prove their whereabouts before voting.

In the latter part of this campaign and pressured by the Democrats and the President himself Donald TrumpRepublican candidates said Tuesday that they support the proposal to increase direct deposits to citizens from $ 600 to $ 2,000, considered in the economic stimulus package.

Speaking to Fox News, Perdue said he “fully supports what the president is doing right now,” while Loeffler said he has supported Trump “one hundred percent of the time” and that “we need to help the Americans now.”
