Georgetown Law Professor Sandra Sellers fired for comments about black college students

Georgetown Law has fired one adjunct professor and given another on leave over comments about black students at the university. Sandra Sellers, who is white, said during one recorded Zoom call, “I hate to say this. I end up having a fear every semester that many of my lower blacks are. Happens almost every semester. And it’s like, ‘Oh, come on.’ You get a few very good ones, but there are usually also those that are just at the bottom. It drives me crazy. ”She apologized in a letter of resignation,“ I would never do anything to intentionally hurt my students or Georgetown Law and wish I could take my words back. Regardless of my intention, I have done irreparable damage and I’m really sorry. ”David Batson, also party to the call, has been placed on leave. Georgetown University’s Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action has opened an investigation. Dean of law school William Treanor called the comments “reprehensible”.

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