Genshin’s impact has made over $ 1 billion in just six months

Anime eyes, looking into your soul, asking for information about your credit card.

Anime eyes, looking into your soul, asking for information about your credit card.
Picture: miHoYo

You hear about this game The impact of Genshin? Pretty big deal. So high that it has raised over $ 1 billion (three commas, people) in mobile revenue since it was launched almost six months ago, on September 28th.

The data, as usual, comes from the industry analyst Sensor tower, who found that The impact of Genshin it reached this top figure faster than any other game on the market. Even the monster that is Pokémon Go, with over $ 4 billion in income and counting, it lasted nine months.

Before you become too celebrated, you should notice that The impact of Genshin is a gacha game. In essence, users play the lottery to unlock new characters in it Wild breath-light of style. While the vast majority of people will not spend any money on these types of games, the genre is based on hanging “whales” or big spenders and bleeding them to their full value. As such, those with an unhealthy gambling tendency tend to be the most common victims.

Natural, The impact of Genshin sees a huge increase in revenue whenever its developer, miHoYo in Shanghai, launches a new character. According to Sensor Tower, the game’s daily revenue averages about $ 5.8 million, but when the mysterious Zhongli was added to The impact of Genshin on December 1, for example, the studio received a total of $ 15.5 million for that day. The arrivals of Ganyu, Xiao and Hu Tao were greeted with a fervor of similar expense.

I don’t know what to do with this information. That’s a lot of money. Congratulations to the directors of MiHoYo, who are sure to capitalize on their wealth and not just transfer it to NFTs or fossil fuels or anything else.
