Gennaro Gattuso has been suffering from a severe and incurable disease for 10 years News from El Salvador

Coach Napoli told what he was suffering and asked the young people to enjoy life

Coach and former player Gennaro Gatusso confessed that he suffers from an incurable and complicated disease, as he revealed a few hours ago. Also, the selected Italian, who came to play rugby as well as football, sent a message to the young people about what he experienced.

And it is that he has been suffering from myasthenia for 10 years, a strange and incurable disease in which the patient loses control over a part of his muscles, with different intensities.

In the particular case of the current Napoli coach, Gattuso only suffers in the eye area, so there are moments when he spent months without being able to see well.

“I have myasthenia, I have suffered from it for ten years, this is the third time it has hit me. This time it was strong, “he said.

“I want to say something to the boys who don’t look good in the mirror. Life is beautiful and you have to face it without hiding. I know my players have suffered seeing me like that. I read that he died, that I have one more month to live … Don’t worry, I’m not dying. I’m alive “, said DT.

In his worst moments, “everything will pass, the eye will be fixed. I see twice, it’s hard to get up, only a madman like me can do it “. “I don’t like living such moments, but I accept it because there are worse things in life. I do what I like, this is my life and if I have to decide how to leave, I want it to be the place where I spent my whole life: on the field, “he said.

AND: Gennaro Gattuso claimed Gonzalo Higuaín for his performance
