Starting in June next year, Salvadoran consumers will perceive a change when they fill their vehicle’s tanks with fuel, because from that date they will have to calculate their purchase not in gallons, but in liters. The Ministry of Economy (MINEC) announced the change yesterday in a statement.
According to the institution, the change is due to the implementation in the country of the International System of Units (IS). This transition has been promoted since the approval of the Law establishing the Salvadoran quality system in force in 2011 and its regulations, which establish the obligation to implement this system.
MINEC assures that this change “will facilitate international trade transactions and ensure that consumers buy the exact quantity at the right prices”.
“The change of measures does not bring any impact on the change of prices, we are already working hand in hand with the Consumer Defender to avoid all kinds of abuses. We clarify that there are no hidden taxes in this process of changing the units of measurement and that our priority is to deal with the economy of the Salvadoran family, which will not be affected “, said the Minister of Economy, María Luisa Hayem.