France pushes for suspension of EU-US trade dispute – POLITICO

EU and US President-elect Joe Biden should “find a way” to suspend a trade dispute that “poisons everyone,” French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in an interview today.

“The problem that has poisoned everyone is the rise in prices and taxes on steel, digital technology, Airbus and more, especially our wine sector,” Le Drian told Le Journal du Dimanche.

“If we could quickly find a way to resolve this dispute with Europe and France, it would be a step forward,” Le Drian added. “This may take time, but in the meantime, we can always order moratoriums.”

Le Drian’s comments are in line with those of other EU officials, who are trying to turn the page with four years of transatlantic tension with US President Donald Trump and his “America First” strategy.

The Trump administration announced Monday that it will begin collecting new taxes on aircraft parts and other products in France and Germany, such as wine, as part of the long-running battle for subsidies to aircraft manufacturers Airbus and Boeing.

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