Fortnite: for $ 33,000, the team signs an eight-year-old boy Battle Royale | SPORTS-GAME

In the world of eSports we have seen several cases of children who become big stars for their skills in video games. In FIFA 21, I reported the case Otherwise Verver, who is only 15 years old and already has a contract with the RB Leipzig team and has been undefeated in the Ultimate Team for over 500 consecutive games. Recently, this case of Fortnite.

If you thought it was great that a 15-year-old boy was already competing with the best in FIFA 21, then you should know the case of Joseph Deen. At just eight years old, he already has a $ 33,000 contract.

As reported BBC, the Californian boy has his first contract with the 33 team, which consists of a state-of-the-art computer to play Fortnite and 33 thousand dollars. This is a bet on the future, because you still can’t compete legally.

Epic Games has made it clear that it does not accept players under the age of 13 in various competitions.

I felt great when they offered me the contract. I thought a lot about being a professional player, but no one took me seriously until team 33 arrived″ Deen commented. He added that he has been playing Battle Royale since the age of 4 and that the club discovered him a year and a half ago.

“One of my scouts contacted me and said, ‘I have to meet this guy named Joseph, he’s incredibly good.’ So they started playing individual games as much as they could every day. After a while, my scout said, “You have to sign this guy. If not, someone else will! “, Explained Tyler Gallagher, co-founder of team 33.

Fortnite tips: the best landing places

Mando’s ship it was a dangerous landing site due to the collaboration Fortnite x The Mandalorian. Now the site is quite quiet and there is some prey to start the game.

Flush Factory it is no longer marked as the main location on the map Fortnite, but it is still close to the southern Slurpy Swamp. There is a lot of prey to be found and too few players land there to start a fire.

Brutus’ basin As an intermediate point between Retail Row and the southern end of Dirty Docks, it offers excellent opportunities without the threat of instant landing elimination.

FN Radio is a rarely visited area of ​​Apollo Island that many players ignore. With decent booty available, it’s a place Fortnite quiet and remote enough to land without attracting too much attention.

Timber tent gives players a good opportunity to collect loot and even gold bars. In addition, it is at an adequate distance from the largest places on the map Fortnite.

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