Former Trump official was eventually punished under the Hatch Act. Who’s next?

For years, flagrant violations of the Hatch Act have been rivaled only by “Infrastructure Week,” as the Trump administration’s worst joke. But almost three months after President Donald Trump left office, a former administration official was officially disciplined for exploiting his position for political purposes – and there could be more along the way.

Lynne Patton, a longtime Trump organizer and former event planner, participated in the Hatch Act several times during her tenure as public relations director for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, but openly turned down any chance. to face discipline for breaking the law.

“He just resent this amazing tweet from both my Twitter accounts – professional and personal,” Patton wrote in a 2019 Facebook post after sharing a meme from a conservative account. “It may be a violation of the Hatch Act. It may not be. Anyway, I honestly don’t care anymore. ”

On Tuesday, however, Patton was eventually disciplined for violating the law of ethics, accepting a settlement from the U.S. Office of Special Counsel that included a $ 1,000 fine and a four-year ban from serving in the federal government. Patton was also forced to admit that she knowingly violated the law when she recruited public housing residents to appear in a video supporting Trump at the Republican National Convention last year.

Normally, such violations were rejected by Trump officials as bureaucratic “oopsies.” But with the election of President Joe Biden, the Office of the Special Adviser and the Committee on the Protection of Merit Systems – the government agency tasked with resolving potential violations of the Hatch Act, which ran out of a quorum for the entire term of Trump’s term – are beginning to pass. over the vast number of Trump-era complaints.
