Former nurse Meghan Markle eager to help royal “aggression” investigation

Meghan Markle’s former assistants and Prince Harry are practically stumbling over each other to help investigate Buckingham Palace on allegations that Markle was a furious bully.

At least ten former employees have already signed up to help with the investigation, The Mirror reported on Thursday night.

The probe was commissioned by Queen Elizabeth this week after former assistants began telling stories about bosses in hell about Markle.

Horror stories include allegations that Markle caused outrage when aides told her that the designers’ labels sent her boxes from Buckingham Palace and her fashion gift boxes – but all had to be sent back because of the palace protocol.

In another bad boss story, a pregnant Markle literally hissed at a staff member during a disagreement over a royal junket in Fiji in 2018, according to a Daily Mail reporter who witnessed the staff then melt into tears fueled by humility.

The Queen commissioned the investigation earlier this week; Since then, Markle has issued a statement dismissing the harassment as a “calculated smear campaign” orchestrated by the palace to divert attention from her upcoming Oprah Winfrey meeting.
