Fix iOS settings with this shortcut

After the release of iOS 14.3, I did a little more digging in iOS 14 and came across a little trick I never knew about, even though I’ve been using iPhones since their launch in 2007. That’s the joy of technology.

It doesn’t change your life, but it will save you a few precious seconds when you set up iOS or iPadOS on your device. Here’s how it works. Pull up settings application and navigate around – jump a few screens deep into your menus, as you normally would as you try setting up a new wifi DNS, adjusting accessibility options, or checking your iPhone’s storage space .

When you are ready to return to another screen to continue the setup, do not touch the Back button in the upper left corner. Sure, that will take you up a level Beginning-as a dream, but you can do better. Instead, press and keep finger on the button. You will then open a context menu that will allow you to move immediately to any previous screen in the nested menu tree, as follows:

Illustration for the article titled Zip through your iOS settings with this shortcut

Print Screen: David Murphy

Done: a little time-saving, which will be handy whenever you adjust the settings on your device. Even small hacks are productivity hacks, right?

Now that I know this option exists, I think it’s time for Apple to take it to the next level: Give me a way to prefer the settings screens I use the most and prioritize them in the list above the ones you never touch – like VPN, for example, or Wallpaper. Yes, it would confuse the “flow” of settings, but it’s okay; I’m tired of looking for certain frequently used screens, when I could only paste the most relevant ones for me.


Print Screen: David Murphy

I know you can about get this feature by long-tapping the Settings icon on the home screen to display the context menu, but you can’t configure this with the settings menus that interest you most. So here you are.
