Filter the correspondence in which Meghan asks the queen to deny the fight with Kate

In an article published in the magazine Harper’s Bazaar, Omid Scobie explained that that month Kensington Palace urgently asked Prince Harry to sign a statement against an “offensive” newspaper article. time, in which it was reported that Prince William was “constantly harassing” the Dukes of Sussex while they were still members of the directorate.

Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle
Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle.

According to the author, that would be it the last straw for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex . “Well, if we make a statement now, then maybe Kensington Palace could clarify things about me. [que no hice llorar a Kate]Meghan responded to Kensington Palace by email.

Scobie also revealed that Meghan asked the palace why her part of her story about her fight with the Duchess of Cambridge was never considered here. “But no matter how many requests the couple made, their suggestion was ignored. He was told that the Duchess of Cambridge should not be the subject of gossip, “the royal biographer wrote in his article in Harpers Baazar.
