Fernanda Castillo shares a tender photo of breastfeeding her baby

After a hard fight for health Fernanda Castillo she shared a nice photo of her breastfeeding son Liam. The 38-year-old actress accompanied the photo with an emotional reflection on breastfeeding, the challenge that all mothers face and not all of them manage to cope successfully.

“I have heard so much about the difficulties in breastfeeding that I was very afraid of what my trial would be like. I had heard so much about the difficulties of breastfeeding that I was very afraid of what my process would be like. “Fernanda began to count.

“It involves sacrifice, sometimes pain; dealing with frustration, change, but it also gives you the opportunity to learn to listen, to listen to what every woman and she baby They have to be well, learn to run or give up when things don’t go the way you thought …

To accept and worship your body for what it is capable of doing, but above all it has given me the gift of connecting with my baby and me in a very deep way while I feed him.The singer also argued.

The actress shares her experience.

“In the most difficult moments since he was born Liam, the desire to feed him and embrace him with my chest was what brought me forward “Fernanda Castillo confessed.

Fernada is happy because everything is going well.

Finally, the beloved actress took advantage of the publication of her official Instagram account to send a message to all women who enjoy motherhood: “For all the mothers who go through this complex and at the same time wonderful process: in what you live and in what you feel, you are not alone. It’s difficult, but we can “.

The actress says the details.
