Fatty liver: how to recover in a short time and forever with a healthy diet Kitchen | Magazine

De Lcda. Yaira L Doylet R. (MsC Public Health).

Alternate member of the Association of Nutritionists of Guayas ANUG

Mobile phone: 0983809255. Email: [email protected]

Fatty liver is an abnormal accumulation of certain fats (triglycerides) inside liver cells. Various investigations have shown that the prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver can reach up to 74% in obese patients, being 4.6 times more common in patients defined as people with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 kg / m2. About a quarter of the American adult population is obese and it is estimated that 19% of obese people have non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).

Even in patients with a normal body mass index, but with a central pattern of obesity, a higher incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver is described.

Based on statistics from the United States in 2000, it is estimated that there are more than 30 million obese people with NAFLD in that country, and 8.6 million of them have non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).

It indicates that type II diabetes (DM) affects about 8% of the North American population and it is estimated that about 50% of them have hepatic steatosis. When patients have the coexistence of DM and obesity, the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver increases considerably. 100% in one study had some degree of steatosis, 50% had NASH and 19% had histologically documented cirrhosis.

Can a fatty liver be recovered with a healthy diet?

Yes, you can recover, but some foods need to be removed because they cause discomfort or further complicate their condition.

Food aspects or references

  • Reduction of the patient’s body weight.
  • Follow a balanced diet.
  • We privilege the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables
  • Exercise goes hand in hand with the treatment because it aims to eliminate body fat and at the same time will contribute to weight loss.

Menu for people with fatty liver


  • Skim milk diaper with bananas
  • Omelette toast


  • 1 serving chopped papaya with 1/4 cup grated coconut and 2 tablespoons natural yogurt


  • Purple cabbage salad with carrot and green peas in onion sauce
  • Brown rice,
  • 1 serving of tuna in water

In the middle of the afternoon


  • Potato cooked with parsley, garlic and olive oil or sunflower
  • Avocado salad with pearl onion, tomato and coriander sauce
  • Grilled chicken. (F)
