Fans can’t decide if the new surveillance skin is cute or awful

You wake up and see him sitting on top of your bed.  Run for the initiative.

You wake up and see him sitting on top of your bed. Run for the initiative.
Picture: Viscol / Kotaku

Today, Overwatch announced PachiMarchi Challenge, the newest event celebrating the game strange mascot of half onion, half octopus Pachimari. Starting today, players who win games in Quick Play, Arcade or Competitive mode can win Pachimari themed cosmetics, including a Pachimari Roadhog skin that is, depending on your inclination, either very cute or extremely unsettling.

Tracking the trailer feels like you’re being held hostage in a dream of a primary fever. It’s all chaos as Roadhog and his partner (Romantic, Platonic, who can say? They will never say) Junkrat take turns presenting their Pachimari awards while getting bored in Japanese. Is very large “Never give up“Energy.

Pachimari is a fan favorite. Whenever my friends and I played Overwatch together, we had an unspoken rule that your player’s icon should be a certain Pachimari flavor. I even have a Pachimari plush. He sits down next to my bed, watching me with his black eyes, his mouth open, either to devour me or to let out a scream of agony * ahem *.

It is logical that Roadhog was chosen to be the face of PachiMArchi Challenge. He has an emoticon called “secret friend” in which the imposing character of the tank, who never speaks more than five words at a time, suddenly pulls out a Pachimari toy and squeaks it before secreting it again. I’m still not sure which camp I’m in between “cute” or “nightmare”, but I can say this: I want a real version of that hat.
