Fan is deceived by 200 md by a fake Bruno Mars

Mexico City /

Incredible, but that’s what happened, a woman thought she was really talking to the singer Bruno Mars who, in addition to asking for money and even marriage, was unfortunately only deceived by a man who imitated the musician’s identity.

It all happened in Texas, as reported by CBS 11 News, but the identity of the cheated woman named Jane has not been released.

It all started in 2018, when Jane was dealing with the recent the loss of her husband. Social media has become one of his rescues, finding there the company that alleviated his feelings of sadness and loneliness due to conversations with people from different parts of the country.

One day, he received a message with the well-known song Bruno Mars “Marry You”. When Jane inquired about his profile, he realized that he had photos of the artist and that his name was the same, so he assumed that anyone had contacted him. he was the singer himself.

The friendship grew and Jane became more confident Bruno Mars he asked for help. Apparently he had left unpaid for the cars he had been in using during his last tour and urgent need $ 5,000.

Subsequently, the scammer asked for more money to pay for his tournament, so the woman ended up sending him $ 90,000.

He even proposed to her

In addition, the fake Mars proposed to her, sent her an engagement ring, while she was building a recording studio in her garage.

But have they never met?

Just the day he was going to show up there to collect the money he needed, a few men did it for him.. They explained that the singer was detained by the police and that he could not keep his appointment. In fact, they even showed him Photoshop photos to prove it.

Although the bad joke lasted a few months, it would not have been forever, because when things did not start to penetrate the woman, she was threatened.

“They threatened to poison me and kill me if I didn’t get their money. That’s how it got to the end “, she says about the moment when she asked them to reimburse them. Eventually, the matter fell into the hands of local police officers who found evidence of guilt in two Nigerian citizens.

