Facts and notes that provoke agitation by Erling Haaland, but also caution

In the scoreboard, Haaland is third with 14 goals, behind the intractable Lewandowski, who has 24, and André Silva, who has 16.

Norwegian striker Erling Haaland, currently at Borussia Dortmund, has become one of the most watched players in Europe Yes you are constantly associated with big clubs including Barcelona and Real Madrid.

His numbers are incredible, but the question is always open whether a player is able to make a leap from a team in which he shines to another in which new challenges and probably even greater demands await him.

If the digits of Haaland, not only its objectives, there is so much data that justifies the agitation caused by its name, as well others who might recommend some precautions.

His ability to score -who live from their physical strength, speed and shot in goal- He certainly speaks in his favor, in addition to the age of 20, which makes him a player with a future.

On the other side of the accounts is his low participation in the team’s game, compared to other strikers and, in particular, to Robert Lewandowski.

The comparison with Lewandowski may be unfair, what many expect from the Norwegian necessarily forces them to draw parallels with the best and, in this case, the best in the league in which they compete.

In the scoreboard Haaland is third with 14 goals, behind the insoluble Lewandowski, who has 24, and André Silva, who has 16.

For his goals, Haaland needed 49 shots on goal, of which 24 deflected.

In the “marker” classification, which adds goals and goes blank, Lewandowski’s advantage is 32-17 points and higher, and Haaland is surpassed not only by Silva, but also by Thomas Muller, who has 19 points with 10 points and 9 assists.

In the ranking of the best players in Bundesliga, which prepares the magazine “Kicker“From the average grade that their analysts give to each player each day, Haaland is still below, in ninth place

The latter can be the product of participation relative rare that Haaland has in the team’s game, although he compensates the latter with goals. This season of Bundesliga, Haaland had an average of 26.64 ball contacts per match, compared to 35.28 for Lewandowski.

Lewandowski plays for Bayern. Dortmund, on the other hand, are forced to play for Haaland, hoping to be rewarded with their goals. For their match strategy, Haaland had decided to use their ability to counter-attack whenever possible.

This is exactly what has caused problems in Dortmund against rivals who are imprisoned in their area and against those who suffer to find arrival formulas. In other words, Dortmund suffer especially when they are favorites and all the teams that have Haaland on their shopping list tend to be favorites in most of their games.

It is clear that because of his age Haaland still has the potential to develop other resources, to learn to move better in small spaces and to increase his participation in the game.

You need time for this. Dortmund, where he is the undisputed holder, gives it. It is not clear that another team had the same patience.

In this regard, The recommendation of Hans-Jochim Watzke, the general manager of Dortmund, makes public sense to take time to grow at his current club, before jumping to a higher echelon.

Haaland’s contract with Dortmund lasts until 2024. However, unofficial sources have always talked about a € 75 million termination clause that will take effect in 2022.
