FAA to allow small drones to fly at night over people on the move to wider deliveries

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is to issue new guidelines to allow drone operators to fly them at night and over human beings who do not operate them, the department said on Monday.

The new rules, which will be entered in the federal register in January and come into force 60 days later, will address security issues regarding the identification of long-distance flight systems, Reuters reported, calling the move a major step towards expanding commercial deliveries.

“The new rules make room for the further integration of drones into our airspace, addressing safety and security issues,” said FAA Administrator Steve Dickson. packages. “

Reuters reported that drone manufacturers will have 18 months to start manufacturing drones with remote identification systems and that operators will have an additional year to purchase them.

Drone operators are currently required to obtain a waiver if they want to fly one at night or over people who are not involved in the operation of the drone.

It is currently estimated that 1.7 million drones are registered with the federal government.

Several major companies such as Amazon have already tested the delivery service using unmanned aerial vehicles.
