Exiled Hong Kong politician says US “should be very concerned” about mass arrest of democracy advocates

London – Hong Kong pro-democracy politician Nathan Law, who lives in exile in the UK, told CBS News on Wednesday that if he had not fled the city last year, he would have been among dozens of politicians and activists arrested in China’s latest “absolutely absurd” repression under the guise of a new “national security” law.

The arrests of 53 pro-democracy politicians and activists overnight were the largest action under China’s new national security law since its adoption by Beijing last year. The new law was created to eliminate dissent in the semi-autonomous territory, which, despite being part of China, had another system of government that guaranteed fundamental freedoms.

“It’s definitely devastating for me. A lot of people who are arrested are my friends. They’re actually on the list. If I were in Hong Kong, I’d be arrested just a few hours ago,” Law said.

Exiled Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Nathan Law speaks at London rally
Exiled pro-democracy activist from Hong Kong, Nathan Law, addresses a rally near Tower Bridge in London, England, on October 24, 2020.

David Cliff / NurPhoto / Getty

Dozens of people arrested have been accused of plotting the “mutual destruction” of China and Hong Kong by running in informal informal elections to restrict pro-democracy opposition candidates to run for the Legislative Council (LegCo). Had they been elected to the council, these candidates could have influenced or blocked the laws passed from Beijing.

The law called for the government’s explanation that, in trying to be elected, detainees try to block government operations, “absolutely absurd, because in any normal and democratic system we have controls and balance, and the council’s duty is to own the branch responsible for measures, including blocking their bills. “

“That’s actually part of the function and power of the system,” he said. “But the government sees it as an act of subversion.”

He said the world would have to “wait and see” if all 53 people arrested on Wednesday would actually be prosecuted.

Hong Kong closes pro-democracy activists


“There are still questions pending whether this is a criminal prosecution for all … or just a few of them” that are believed to be the brains of the political unrest Hong Kong has seen in the past year.

Among those who fear the law could face harsher punishments is prominent politician Joshua Wong, who, although closed since early December, could see his sentence increased.

The mass arrests were also the first time an alien has been detained under the new national security law. U.S. human rights lawyer John Clancey, who had been involved in pro-democracy activities in Hong Kong, was among those arrested.

“This is definitely a big hit,” Law said. “I think the US government should be very concerned about the case and that another option of Beijing hostage diplomacy is possible.”

Hong Kong discount
American human rights lawyer John Clancey, center, is arrested by the police in Hong Kong, January 6, 2021.


The law urged the US government and the international community at large to respond to China and called on the European Union to stop an EU-China investment pact.

“None of us should take these freedoms as such. Even in the US, around the world, if we are not vigilant enough, they will be taken very, very quickly,” Law said.

He said that for him and other citizens of Hong Kong, who for decades had “a taste for freedom … losing it is a huge blow, and its impact is greater than if you are pursuing something you have never had.” .

“I think this really gives impetus to people who are still a diaspora community and who have left Hong Kong or even stayed in Hong Kong to have that faith to fight for it, even if the situation gets worse. more and more difficult “.
