Exercises to lose weight in the water with a HIIT routine

Whenever we talk to you about high intensity exercises at intervals We offer you a field training. But we forget those people who like to swim and enjoy swimming or exercising in the pool. For this reason, this time we wanted to talk to a personal trainer to tell us about HIIT exercise in water, a recommended means if you have been injured, if you have mobility problems, you are overweight or if it simply motivates you and makes you enjoy sports more.

– HIIT exercise to lose weight and burn fat in 30 minutes

Robert Herraez, co-director of fitness at the DiR group, advised us in this article and gave us all the keys you need to perform better when you swim, to burn more calories and tone your body. Herraez also proposes a training plan and gives us the necessary recommendations to do high-intensity exercise safely.

Put the bracelet to measure the pulsations and to burn!

– How long do I have to swim to lose weight
