Exercises at home: the best workout to burn calories and fat and lose weight

If you are thinking of doing it exercise to burn calories, fat and lose weightSee what fitness experts tell you: “More than just specific exercises, we can talk about what kind of workouts burn more calories. And these are high intensity workouts HIIT and strength training “, says Javier Menéndez, from the online gym Entrena Virtual.

The main benefit of high-intensity exercise is that you get the same result as a “cardio” workout, but in less time. For example, just 15 minutes of interval training once a week would be enough to keep you fit. While doing cardio exercises, such as running, you need about 45 minutes and work out two to four times a week.

Not only that, he does a training session at high intensity intervals, which also works strength exercises. Your body continues to burn calories even after exercise. It is what is known as post-exercise oxygen debt or COPD, in which your body seeks to recover by spending energy. “You can burn calories up to 72 hours later,” says coach Javier Menéndez.

Therefore, if your goal is to burn calories and fat, do not hesitate, this is your training plan and these are the exercises you can find in a HIIT session with strength exercises.
