Exchange rate: The price of the dollar at the end of today, December 17

Today is Thursday, December 17th, the dollar price closed at S / 3.59, at interbank level, according to the Central Reserve Bank (BCR).

Bloomberg points out that the price of the green dollar registered a minimum increase of 0.04% on the Peruvian market.

This slight increase was generated despite the fact that in the morning, at the beginning of the trading day, an overall decline in the dollar and a greater appetite for risky assets were reported, in the face of expectations of a higher fiscal stimulus in the United States.

How much does it cost you?

Financial institutions cite the purchase of the dollar on average of S / 3,536 and sell it at approximately S / 3.64, according to the website

While on the parallel market buy the green ticket at a price of about S / 3,565 and sell it for about S / 3,595.

On the other hand, the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP (SBS) indicates that the purchase price is S / 3.584 and the sale is S / 3.59.
