Everything You Need to Know About the Last and Highest Full Moon of the Year – Technology News, Firstpost

Following the celestial event of the Christmas Star or The great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, Skywatchers can get excited about the last celestial event of 2020. This will be the last full moon of the year, also known as the Cold Moon. It will be the highest full moon of the entire Gregorian year and, interestingly, the 13th and last monthly event of 2020 will be visible on two different days. Conformable Almanac of the Old Farmer, the maximum illumination of the full moon should take place at 19:54 IST on December 29 and 20:57 IST on December 30. The almanac says that people can begin to observe the full moon in December just before sunset.

    The cold moon will take place today and tomorrow: Everything you need to know about the last and highest full moon of the year

A full moon seen in Washington, USA. Image credit: Flickr / Rocky Raybell

What makes the Cold Moon 2020 special?

The cold moon will have a distinct trajectory high in the sky. This results in the moon being visible on the horizon for a longer period of time.

It is also called the “Long Night Moon”, because the event takes place on one of the longest nights of the year. This is because the date is quite close to the winter solstice. Because it takes place right after Christmas, the full moon is also called the “Moon after Yule” in Europe as well. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the name Cold Moon has penetrated some traditions observed by Native Americans. The name refers to “frozen conditions at this time of year”.

According to a report by Forbes, the moment the Moon reaches the peak of illumination is behind the globe, observing the cold Moon on two different dates. While Asia Pacific, Europe and Africa will have a full moon on December 30, both South and North America will have a day before, on December 29.

After that, the full moon will appear to be a full moon for the next three days.
