Eva Mendes reveals “mother’s pandemic fault” in “full effect” after cutting record cover

Eva Mendes reveals that “mother’s pandemic fault” is in “full effect” after cutting a record cover to entertain her children

Eva Mendes says her “mother’s pandemic” is in full effect.

The 46-year-old star Hitch is the mother of six-year-old Esmeralda, and four-year-old Amada and her partner Ryan Gosling have testified that they fought their mother’s guilt during the pandemic.

Taking to Instagram to elaborate, he shared: “My little girl wanted to cut Maria Callas’ face off the cover of the record. I died quietly inside, but I quickly said yes. My mother was guilty of a pandemic in full effect “, while she had posted a photo of her face in the now ragged cover.

Mother's guilt: 46-year-old Eva Mendes testified that she struggled with

Mother’s guilt: 46-year-old Eva Mendes testified that she struggled with “her mother’s pandemic,” while she revealed that she let one of her daughters cut her face on a Maria Callas record and said that guilt is in “full effect”; in 2018

Earlier, Eva compared raising children to operating a breakfast bed with “very drunk and aggressive guests”, as she said that her children are “angry and bossy”.

“Sometimes we feel like we have a kind of breakfast with very drunk and aggressive guests. We really feel like we work in a hotel, and the guests are upset and chuckle and ask for food. “

She continued: “Until they go to bed, all we have to do is clean up and talk about how they treated us that day! When we feel that we are just “in it,” as all parents do in these times, we remember that these are good times, because we are all together and we are all safe. ‘

Despite the challenges faced by millions due to closed schools and record unemployment – giving them more time at home with their children – Eva is trying to be positive and a “fun mother”.

Problems with Mommy: Star Hitch shared a photo with the now ragged disc cover, saying that

Problems with Mommy: Star Hitch shared a photo with the now ragged disc cover, saying that “she died quietly inside a little, but I quickly told her yes,” as she struggles with her guilt and considers children “upset and bossy”

“I haven’t seen a gym in two months.” I didn’t write a novel. I just tried to be a fun mom and not lose my marble. Sending so much love there. Reading comments and glad to log in, so tell me how you feel. Love, love, love. ‘

In an October interview with the Sydney Morning Herald, Mendes addressed her decision to move away from the spotlight because of her desire to be with her children.

“I feel that, as far as my ambition is concerned, it has not disappeared, it has only moved on the children”, while she applauded the mothers who could “do everything”.

“Fortunately, I have the choice not to work and I realize how lucky I am that it is a real choice. I was so happy that I was able to incubate with my babies, but now they are four and six years old, I am starting to feel that my ambition is coming back “, she concluded.

Finding her voice: Mendes said her ambition turned to her children, as she revealed,

Finding her voice: Mendes said her ambition turned to her children, as she revealed, “I was so happy I was able to incubate with my babies,” while saying she wants to find her way. back to acting; in 2013
