Emilio Osorio becomes the new victim of COVID-19

Emilio Osorio she became a socializing trend after her father, the producer Juan Osorio, will reveal in a message he shared on his Twitter account that the young actor and singer gave positive results to coronavirus COVID-19.

Juan Osorio he asked all his followers to support him Emilio Osorio, which because he was infected with coronavirus He had to be isolated for a few weeks, a situation that could make the young man desperate, due to the marriage of the producer and the star Niurka Marcos.

On the other hand, the young singer revealed his infection COVID-19 on social networks with a short message, which stands out to show his characteristic sense of humor even in difficult times, yes, at no time did he give more details about his health.

“Positive, but no more than me chiki,” Emilio Osorio wrote on Twitter.

Emilio Osorio receives the support of his fans

Before the news, fans of the star of the movie “The heart is never wrong” did not hesitate to show their support through emotional messages on social networks, where they asked her to stay calm for an early recovery COVID-19 and so you can return to your promotional activities for your artistic career.

We recommend that you read: Juan Osorio overtakes COVID-19 and returns to the Televisa forums Find out!

Emilio Osorio // Instagram

Emilio Osorio received the support of all his loyal fans on social networks.

Similarly, fans Emilio Osorio they asked Juan Osorio be careful not to catch coronavirusWell, let’s remember that the soap opera producer had an unpleasant experience with this new disease, which kept him hospitalized for several days.

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Photos: Instagram
