“El Guitarreño” talks about his fears after suffering an accident in his right eye

In a good mood, but without diminishing the severity of the accident that kept him absent from the Wapa screen, the comedian Alfonso Alemán “El Guitarreño” returned this morning, who told his colleagues from “Noticentro at dawn” the details and fears that he lived them.

He entered the morning news studio dressed in sportswear and protecting his eyes with glasses. He immediately expressed his gratitude to the doctors who treated him during his emergency.

He said he quickly left the canal on December 11 to return home to join the workers building a curtain extension. While he was there, he noticed a 20-foot-high beam and, fearing that it would fall on him or cut someone, he decided to cut it in half.

“When I bite her, I was sitting on a bench and the car fell to the floor and she was supposed to have a sensor and it would stop,” he told reporter Jorge Gelpí and presenter Yizette Cifredo.

He picked up the car again and the piece of cut broke and hit him on the forehead, nose and right eye, causing two deep injuries.

“The whole time I was conscious,” he said from the moment he began to feel the fluid in his eyes begin to flow down his cheek. “I saw my eyes go out.”

He told his wife that he was afraid he had “exploded” his eye. “I thought so many things, I said, ‘I went blind.’ He even confessed that he came to fear for his life, as one of the doctors later warned him that if the wounds had further entered his eyes, he could have remained in a vegetative state.

He later underwent surgery on two occasions and, fortunately, they managed to save the organ.

Alemán returns to his work at Wapa today, especially in the “Pégate al mediodía” program.
