Eiza González explodes after being criticized for answering in English

Eiza Gonzalez She was criticized for responding to the Spanish-language media in English when they tried to interview her, so the actress decided to break the silence and respond.

It all started when some reporters tried to stop Eiza González on the streets of Los Angeles I’m asking you a few personal questions about your current situation. It was through a video of “Fat and lean“Who was criticized for answering in English: “You forgot your Spanish”.

Given this, Eiza clarified through social media that this type of press “has only one side of the story.”

“In general, I do not respond to such messages. But this way you can see how it has only a part of the story. You don’t have to believe everything they do in those gossip shows. And you will see one. Why don’t I answer? “González wrote on Twitter.

He further detailed that he asked reporters for a healthy distance due to the pandemic and all he said was to do thanks to the person who asked for respect for the actress.

Eiza González launches against “El Gordo y la Flaca”

In addition, the actress and singer pointed directly at “El Gordo y La Flaca”, accusing them of “intimidation”.

“I don’t have the obligation for someone to harass me and harass me on the street because I have to talk about my personal life. Xq the people from @ElGordoyLaFlaca do not share the behavior of their abusive reporter “, he concluded.

In recent months, Eiza González has been the subject of conversation after being seen with the actor Timothée Chalamet and the model Dusty Lachowicz.

At the end of December 2020, González shared a video with his fans where he acknowledged the difficult emotional moments he experienced as a result of the criticism for her work, her physical appearance and the way she is seen by the show.

“We are not shows, we are people and we have traumas,” he said in the video.

