Eiza Gonzalez. Answer for criticism because he speaks English | VIDEO

Mexico City /

Eiza Gonzalez was involved in controversy after the program Fat and lean criticize her for refusing to give them an interview. In addition, he communicated at all times English. In front of the critics, the famous woman defended herself, demanded respect and clarified the reason why she refused to talk to the entertainment environment. What happened?

Controversy over Eiza Gonzalez started after the program Fat and lean make sure the actress was caught on the streets of Los Angeles California, and that he refused to speak to the press. They thought that he had certainly “already forgotten to speak Spanish”, as he communicated with them in English at all times.

“Boys, boys, boys, take the lights off your face. Guys, can I have some space? It’s a little dangerous to be stopped. Thanks”, Eiza is heard saying.

“Eiza, in Spanish, how are you?” asked a famous journalist without a successful answer.

As expected, after the video aired, Eiza Gonzalez received severe criticism against her. However, the famous she did not remain silent and raised her voice. He demanded respect for his person wanting space after the pandemic covid-19 that crosses the world.

“I thank the person who asked me for respect for my space in the middle of a pandemic while a person walks over me trying to offend me to get an answer and yet in the end I want you to be careful” indicated the celebrity in a tweet.


He also clarified that he has no obligation to speak out against harassment and street aggression. He also questioned why the program Fat and lean did not share his reporter’s “abusive” treatment:

“I don’t have the obligation for someone to harass me and harass me on the street because I have to talk about my personal life. Xq the people from @ElGordoyLaFlaca do not share the behavior of their abusive reporter “, the actress wrote.


