Eduardo Verástegui attacks Argentine president and calls him “child killer”

Mexico City.

After In Argentina, the legalization of abortion has been approved, Eduardo Verástegui went against him President Alberto Fernández by a statement sent by his office.

The president of #Argentina @alferdez is a killer for children. How many coins did they pay you to fulfill your commitment death campaign? “It simply came to our notice then.

“Here is what happened to the traitor of Judas because he sold Jesus for a few coins. You’re a child killer; wear one your size, Alberto“.

Last Wednesday, The Argentine Senate has approved a law legalizing abortion until week 14 of gestation.

After this period, it will be legal only in case of task by violation or risk to life for the pregnant woman, reported the authorities in the South American country.

Argentine legislators whoever voted for this law converted a mother’s womb, which should be the safest place in the world, in the most insecure place, “he said. You will be thirsty.

Argentine model Nicole Neumann it was another celebrity who expressed his rejection of the new measure.

On the other hand, figures such as Julieta Venegas and Irene Azuela expressed their support for legalizing abortion on social networks, by posting messages with hashtags such as #QueSeaLey and #EsLey.

Thanks to the sisters. Thanks to feminism. Thanks for the fight “, the singer wrote on Twitter and Argentine actress Lali Esposito.

With information from Agencia Reforma
