Ecopetrol has signed a contract for its fracking pilot and this will be the investment – Business – Economy

The National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) and the state oil company Ecopetrol signed the special contract on December 24 for the implementation of the pilot project for extensive research Kalé, in the jurisdiction of Puerto Wilches (Santander), which, due to the multistage horizontal fracture technique, known as fracking, which is scheduled to be developed for the second semester of 2021, once the environmental permit and all case authorizations are in place.

According to the document, the project, which will be located in a 455.9 acre block, will have a total investment of $ 76.7 million, an amount equivalent to approximately 268,000 million pesos.

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Of this amount, 57 percent, that is to say just over $ 44 million, will be allocated to drilling activities that include engineering studies carried out from the date of contract signature, modification of access roads, construction of the easement, implementation of environmental management programs, the implementation of the citizen participation agency, the activities
of drilling as such (horizontal well and injector well) and operational viability.

The second item with the most investment in the pilot, an activity that will be conducted in accordance with State Council case law, will correspond to the completion phase, which will be spent $ 19.7 million and will include stimulation and breakage. multi-stage hydraulic system in horizontal well, the completeness, which also includes the horizontal well and the injection well) and the operational feasibility.

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A further $ 12.5 million will be invested in the characterization and dimensioning of the reservoir, including fluid handling facilities, while the area’s lifting and decommissioning phase will be used to $ 351,949.

The contract between the ANH and Ecopetrol underlines, among other things, that the oil company, as a contractor and under the commitment to transparency that the research pilot must have, must contribute to the funding of the Transparency Center and pay the ANH the amount resulting from the division of 50 percent of the monthly running costs of this center by the number of pilot contracts signed and estimated by the ANH to be four.

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