Eat healthy and live longer with the 5 keys to a long-term diet

The main goal of all those who start a diet is to lose weight, but the truth is that, When you choose the foods that feel best for your body, the benefits are far beyond weight loss.. stars I know a lot about the side effects of a lifestyle healthy, as well as Salma Hayek, who is preparing a juice with fat-burning ingredients that also strengthens the mane. A Malena Costa and her detox dinner which, in addition to counteracting a day of excess, also fights aging. Experts are the ones who know best about the benefits of a healthy diet and even talk about a method they called long-term diet, a series of nutritional habits that help you live longer and, by chance, have a great guy if you follow them strictly. Discover the 5 keys to feeling better without starving:


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1. Follow the Mediterranean diet

In this 2020, the Mediterranean Sea was once again the winner of the ranking US News and World Report, created by nutritionists around the world who choose the healthiest food systems. So it is not surprising that expert Cynthia Sass considers it the first step towards longevity in the journal. Health. “When it comes to longevity, you should have a general approach instead of choosing a food or a group of foods, which is essential, and the Mediterranean diet is the best basis for a longer and healthier life.”. The weekly menu of those who follow it includes a high percentage of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, olive oil, avocado, fish or shellfish several times a week and meat occasionally.

2. Meatless Monday

Moderate meat consumption is a fundamental pillar of the long-term diet, in which dishes based on this type of protein are limited as much as possible. Sass talks about a phenomenon known as Meatless Monday (Meatless Monday): “It’s been in vogue for over 15 years. It’s great, but to achieve longevity you should prepare vegetable dishes more than once a week. “In addition, the expert talks about researchers who have discovered the areas of the world where people live the most, including the island of Okinawa in Japan and Icaria in Greece. One of the things they have in common is a diet. rich in vegetables, lentils, beans and only meat is eaten about five times a month.


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3. Lots of fruits and vegetables

After points 1 and 2, the type of food that helps you live better and longer has already become clear: “Increasing the consumption of these foods is really one of the most important and effective habits you can adopt,” he says. Cynthia Sass, who mentions a study published by British Medical Journal in which they found that the more fruits and vegetables consumed, the lower the risk of mortality for any disease, especially for heart disease. The objective? Eat them 5 times a day.

4. The power of nuts

Many stars share the habit of keeping a handful of nuts in your purse snack healthy for snacks between meals, a habit that is also recommended in the long-term diet due to its richness in essential fatty acids, plant-based proteins, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, magnesium or potassium. To reinforce his theory that nuts are great allies for a longer life, Sass cites a study published in US Library of Medicine in which they discovered that those who consumed more than 30 grams of these fruits three times a week had a 39% lower mortality risk.


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5. Drink green tea

“I like to refer to green tea as a preventative medicine in a cup. Many studies have linked it to a lower risk of heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity or Alzheimer’s.. It can also help you live longer, “says the nutrition expert. Sass also advises her to prepare smoothies, with cereal, oats and even to boil vegetables or brown rice. He also talks about variety MATCH, “A form in the form of green tea powder that can be taken as a drink or as an ingredient in many recipes”, yes, the nutritionist advises you not to take it about six hours before bedtime, due to its theine content, a stimulant effect very similar to that of caffeine.
