Eat healthy and be happier with the 8 foods that improve your mood

Having a great guy is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of a healthy diet. a more beautiful and brighter skin or that hair grows stronger are other consequences that those who are interested in the quality of what they eat notice. Emotional impact is another reason to convince yourself that snacks healthy deserve, and it turns out that food has the power to influence mood, a property that Gwyneth Paltrow, for example, takes advantage of in her favor, which design your daily menu to feel better despite the pandemic. Today to celebrate World Happiness Day, experts point out which foods to imitate the good habit of the Hollywood star, a list of fruits, vegetables and greens with which to add the positive touch to any dish.


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Now more than ever

Did you know that women are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety and stress as men? The data come from a study published in Diary of the brain and behavior in 2016. To this genetic whim is added the share of the current situation in which Mar Sieira, pharmacist and CEO of Sarah Becquer, he told us following: “Regarding the general anxiety and fatigue of the coronavirus pandemic, they concluded that women are almost three times more likely than men to suffer major mental health consequences. “. That is why activities known for their power to free the mind from worries such as meditation, mental health or exercise gains more followers every day, habits focused on both physical and mental health, among which diet plays a key role.

The 8 happy foods

As a starting point to adopt healthy habits and that they are maintained over time, what better idea than to bet on raw materials that help improve mood. Find out what are the great ingredients that promote a happy World Day:

1. Pineapple: “Pineapple has been shown to work as an stimulant for both emotional and physical well-being, as it contains compounds that contributes to the production of the hormone serotonin in the body “, reveals Juice Plus +, a brand specialized in healthy nutritional products. As an added value, Kilos Out recommends it to fight cellulite due to its diuretic power.

2. Asparagus: Nutrition experts do not stop advising them to balance their mood, and all this because “they contain high doses of vitamin B9, which increases serotonin and it is important to inhibit anger, aggression, regulates mood, sleep, etc. “.


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3. Red fruits: They are famous for their antioxidant power that neutralizes the action of free radicals and, therefore, premature aging. In addition, Juice Plus + assures that they are also responsible for promoting positivism: “Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries … all contain certain components that help produce serotonin and endorphins, the hormones“ guilty ”of happiness. Rich in vitamin C, such as orange, are powerful antioxidants and, in addition, this nutrient decreases psychological stress“.

4. spinach: Also known as a “natural sedative”, this green leafy vegetable helps fight irritability. The reason is that it is rich in vitamin B9 (folic acid), a substance that triggers feelings of joy and pleasure inside the body. In addition, Dr. Nicholas Perricone, creator of the famous Perricone diet, points to them as an anti-aging insurance: “Alpha lipoic acid, present in vegetables such as spinach or broccoli, is a natural substance generated by the body itself and one of the key elements against aging. “.

5. Carrots: Like spinach, this vegetable is also rich in B vitamins, in this case B6, famous for its mission to make serotonin (the neurotransmitter known as the “happiness hormone”) pass through the bloodstream without difficulty. controls emotions, mood and even regulates appetite.


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6. Orange: “This fruit contains high doses of vitamin C which helps reduce vanadium levels, a mineral that is known to have some guilt when it comes to depression, “they say from Juice Plus +, whose experts add that” vitamin C has been shown to reduce mood swings and psychological stress. Finally, orange contains vitamin B, which provides the body with essential nutrients for the nervous system to function properly.

7. Boabe: Not surprisingly, the fame that has accompanied this variety of fruit for centuries has earned them the title of “plants of happiness”. The cocktail of nutrients that contribute to the body, including vitamin C, phytosterols, bioflavonoids, minerals and many amino acids, manages to balance blood pressure and even reduce cholesterol levels known as bad (LDL).

8. Pumpkin: Just provides about 29 calories per 100 grams and, in addition, “due to the high content of fiber and water (90% of its composition), in addition to having a satiating effect, promotes intestinal transit and diuresis,” explains Laura Parada, nutritionist at Slow Life House. As for their ducts, “they are an important source of tryptophan, an amino acid that stimulates serotonin production and increases happiness levels. In addition, pumpkin seeds contain high levels of Omega 3, which facilitates neural communication,” conclude Specialists. in Juice Plus +.
