DWG KIA launches official statement on ShowMaker wrist pain

On March 20, DWG KIA released a statement on the health of their midfielder, Heo “ShowMaker” Su.

In his latest feed, ShowMaker revealed that he suffers from significant arm pain, claiming that his arms have “shaken to the point where it affects the accuracy of my playing skills.” Hearing this news, ShowMaker and DWG KIA went to the hospital this morning for diagnosis.

DWG KIA commented: “We confirmed that ShowMaker started suffering from these symptoms a few days ago, so we stayed at a general hospital for basic check-ups and physiotherapy. In addition, to get a more accurate treatment for our player’s symptoms, we booked a meeting for a follow-up next week. ”

“We are aware that many fans are concerned about his health and we promise that DWG KIA will put the recovery of the ShowMaker in the highest priority. Thank you for all the support. ”

DWG KIA’s official statement about ShowMaker through their official Facebook page
