Drew Barrymore recounts a long and painful psychiatric stay

Drew Barrymore spent his 46th birthday on Monday talking about the awful details of his 18-month internship in a psychiatric ward at the age of 13. (Watch the video below.)

“You couldn’t mess around there,” Howard Stern’s actor told him on his radio show. “If you did, you would either throw it in the lined chamber or put it in stretcher systems and tie it.”

Barrymore said he sometimes channeled his “inner revolt grrrl” to incite his fellow patients to rebel.

The “ET” and “50 First Dates” stars said they forgave her mother, Jaid Barrymore, for putting her there.

“I used to go to clubs and not go to school and steal my mother’s car and, you know, I got out of control,” she told People.

“She created a monster and didn’t know what to do with the monster, and this was her last gasp. And I was really out of control. And I forgive her for making that choice. He probably felt he had nowhere to go. ”

Barrymore, who previously discussed being institutionalized after drug addiction and suicide attempts, gained legal emancipation from her mother at the age of 14. She told Stern that I was now in contact after a long drive.

“I texted this morning,” she said. “I’m so glad he’s healed there.”
