Dollar price at close today, January 22 | Exchange rate

Mexico City /

The peso traded at 19.94 units per dollar by the end of the day, down 1.2 percent from the reference price’s 19.71 units on Thursday, which showed a weekly decline amid a period of uncertainty on the financial markets due to the advance of the corona pandemic. The dollar rose after three consecutive days of losses.

Dollar in banks

At banks, the US currency was offered up to 20.41 pesos, as is the case Citibanamex. While, Banorte he did it in 20.20 pesos and BBVA Mexico in 19.95 pcs.

The peso, which fell temporarily to 20 units per US currency, was on its way to a weekly low of about 0.9 percent.

The rise in infections and deaths from covid-19 forcing tighter incarcerations has heightened fears of triggering a global recession, and these were exacerbated after weak economic data in Europe emerged.

Economic activity in the eurozone shrank significantly in January, as restrictions imposed to contain the coronavirus pandemic hit the major sector of the bloc hard.

Analysts cited as a factor of pressure on local assets the fact that Mexico reported a new daily record of deaths and infections from coronavirus on Thursday night.

Real time dollar

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.In the debt market, the yield on the 10-year bond closed steadily at 5.29 percent, while the 20-year yield rose one basis point to 6.42 percent.

With information from Reuters …

