Do not post a photo of the COVID-19 vaccination card on social media, warns BBB

If you received the COVID-19 vaccine, it’s great! Just make sure you don’t share an image of your vaccination card on social media, says the Better Business Bureau.

Sure, you may want to share the news with your friends, but by sharing a picture of your card, you can make yourself more susceptible to identity theft. Or, you could help scammers create fake versions of your card, according to the BBB.

Your vaccination card will have your full name, date of birth and other information about where you received the vaccine, which is all valuable information you will want to keep private.


“Sharing your personal information is not the only problem. Scammers in the UK have been caught selling fake vaccination cards on eBay and TikTok. It’s only a matter of time before similar offenses come to the United States and Canada. Posting photos with your card can give scammers information that they can use to create and sell fake ones, ”the BBB said in a statement.

However, there are ways to share news securely on social media. BBB has these tips:

  • Share the vaccine sticker or use a Facebook profile frame: If you only want to post that you received the vaccine, just send a photo of the vaccine sticker. You can also use a Facebook profile frame to show that you have been vaccinated. If you are unfamiliar with how to do this, click here for further instructions.
  • Configure security settings on social networks: Make sure you check your privacy and security settings on your social platforms (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.). This way, you can choose and choose who to share the images with. Even if you don’t share a photo or post related to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, these settings may be good to review anyway, just to secure your profile.

  • Be careful about what you post, even if it’s a trend: Distributing the photo of the vaccine is one of the latest trends on social media. But, make sure you think twice when it comes to sharing this information or any other personal information, including sharing your favorite things. The BBB says the details you share could be commonly used passwords or answers to security questions.

For more information on how to safely share COVID-19 vaccine news on social media, click here.


ABOUT US: Social media is a breeding ground for scams during the COVID-19 crisis, says FTC

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