Diego Latorre gives his opinion about the Colombian footballers from Argentina – International football – Sports

“Maybe it’s something we’re wrong about?”, Asks the former Argentine footballer and commentator Diego Latorre, which in its column this weekend, on the occasion of the superclassic between Mouth Yes Bad, was dedicated to exploring the creative shortage in Argentine football, while the contributions of Colombian footballers are flourishing.

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Latorre refers to Juan Román Riquelme and Andrés D’Alessandro like the last Argentinian creatives and two decades ago. It is emphasized that today “their place is occupied by Cardona and Carrascals, the one before Quintero, and we need to seriously ask ourselves why. “

“That Cardona, Carrascal, Villa and Borré, four Colombian footballers, focus fans’ expectations is not a coincidence and, in turn, contains several messages,” he said.

That Cardona, Carrascal, Villa and Borré, four Colombian footballers, focus fans’ expectations is not a coincidence and, in turn, contains several messages

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Latorre talks about that connection of the Colombian footballer with the Argentine, a historical relationship, from Stefano says.

“Today’s players are full of that influence, as well as the memories of that generation that led the game. Pibe Valderrama and whose genetics were very Argentine, so it’s not strange that they feel comfortable and choose our football to grow in their careers, helped because the Colombian market is still relatively affordable for Argentine clubs, “he wrote.

He reflects the fact that Argentine football needs to rethink the way it explores its new talents, while only those who stand out, those of talent, are Colombians.

“In this class of footballers and also in strikers like Villa, Borré, in his days Falcao or right now Londoño, another Colombian boy who last Thursday defined the Reserve superclassic with his goal, believe it or not, without a middle ground. They all come to the First Division with subjects who perform in their performance, but the only way to pass them is with the absolute trust of the coach and it doesn’t always happen “, Latorre emphasizes.

Finally, he says that Argentine clubs are fascinated by the natural talent of Colombians, who can unlock their games. But he wonders why the main role is no longer from the Argentines themselves.

