Did the Super Bowl spontaneously win $ 374,000?

Mexico City /

Super Bowl that ended up winning the Tampa Bay Buccaneers has been the subject of conversation around the world for a variety of reasons, whether it’s the consecration of Tom Brady, the controversial presentation of The Weeknd, or spontaneously bypassing security of Raymond James Stadium, from which it transcends would have earned up to $ 374,000 for his act.

The NFL Finals went as planned, however, in the final moments, a fan of the 22,000 attendees managed to jump on the field and ran in a female swimsuit, being that he crossed the whole place until the authorities managed to arrest him.

The individual in question is named Yuri Andrade, 31, who had to post a $ 500 bond. He also confessed to the USA Today portal that the tickets to the game were paid for by a friend, but ruled out that he had received a payment for his actions, as the clothes he had belonged to a close person.

In this regard, Andrade reiterated that the idea of ​​†‹вЂ‹ invading the land it was just the product of a joke between friends and did not intend to offend anyone, despite the fact that it transcends the fact that he would have bet, because the chances against a spontaneous one were high, to the point of reaching +1400, which means that for 100 pesos bet he would win 1,500, for that there are versions in which he dictates this it would have taken up to $ 374,000.


