Destiny 2 Glitch allows you to launch 12-player raid parties

Destiny 2 Fire teams are usually limited to six, but players have recently discovered a problem to increase the size and use the exploit to raid the game in massive groups.

12-player parties could be a great change for a traditional MMO, but in Destiny it can turn even the deepest and darkest stone crypt into a lively space party. As Forbes rEPORTS, the bug is known to a few Twitch streamers and other players for a few weeks, but it’s only just starting to appear in the wider community, as instructional videos detailing the trick are touring YouTube.

Here is an example from YouTuber Scrub, to whom he attributes the discovery ChildCelebrity Twitter user:

Players make these encounters by creating two separate raid teams and then combining them at the very last second before launching the activity. When properly synchronized, both groups will touch together, letting them run through meetings designed for much smaller groups with relative ease and have fun in the process.

Destiny 2 it has become more prone to errors in the last year, leading to problems in high-stakes competitive activities such as Trials of Osiris, as well as occasionally causing problems with solo mission progression missions. On the other hand, this raid issue is one of the most interesting things that has happened accidentally in the game since it was released. As Rock, Paper, Shotgunpoints out Alice O’Connor, can be both chaotic and incredibly charming, watching 11 other players run around trying to solve raid puzzles.

Unlike many other mistakes, it doesn’t seem to hurt anyone. Of course, that doesn’t mean that Bungie might not fix it soon, especially since more and more players are trying to reproduce it. Studio community manager posted a vicious message about it last Friday, so if you want to organize a raid party, you’d better try sooner rather than later.
