“Deep ignorance” denotes the words of President Bukele | News from El Salvador

Human rights defenders regret that the president gave a negative speech to the victims of El Mozote.

He human rights defender Arnau Baulenas, lawyer Idhuca Expresses President Nayib Bukele’s “deep ignorance” of the Peace Accords, saying in his speech last Thursday that they were a “prank”.

“The war was a farce, just like the Peace Accords … Yes, I crowd them because they were a farce, a farce, a negotiation between two leaderships. Or what benefits did the peace accords bring to the Salvadorans?” Bukele in The Mozote.

Arnau Baulenas claims that President Bukele’s statements show a “deep ignorance”, because any cessation of a war, whether it is an international or internal conflict, such as the one experienced in El Salvador, is something positive, “and in no case can qualify as a prank, ”says Baulenas.

You may be interested in: “The war was a farce. Like peace agreements. ” Bukele visits El Mozote, the city whose refusal to clarify the massacre
Celia Medrano, a human rights defender, believes that the Peace Accords have managed to close an armed confrontation, which has even allowed both sides to have a civilian life.

“Trying to minimize the value of that political agreement that allowed us to get out of a civil war is a testament to the ignorance of history and, what is worse, not learning from history and making the same mistakes that can lead us to dangerously back to an armed confrontation, “says Medrano.

Also: US Congressman criticizes Bukele’s speech in El Mozote
He points out that the closure of political spaces, electoral fraud, militarization and the role of military forces were issues that generated the war, and the current government is taking the same actions.
